A glimpse into Chris's new life in San Diego and his law school adventures...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
All done!
Eric's arm
Eric and I and our tree.
The roommates showing our christmas cheer... where's the eggnog!
Eric proudly placing some finishing touches
Same photo
The tree, a little blurry.
Me, eyes closed
Mike and Eric getting in the holiday spirit... this photo was staged.
Mike in front of the tree, we have a blue and white theme on.. Michele thinks it looks like a Jewish tree.
The tree in the living room... pre-decoration
Eric and Mike haulin our nice tree in...
A snowy day in Cambridge... looking down the street towards Harvard Sq.
Snowy House
The sign at Radcliffe across the street.
Our Building.
Snowing in Cambridge: Thats the library at Radcliffe college, looking across the street from my apt.
The mailbox in front of my house this morning.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This is my room. I had a hard time fitting some things, but thats my bed, and my computer and stuff is to the left off the camera. This is taken from my doorway.
This is eric's room , he has the master bedroom. The glass cinderblocks look into his shower( he has his own bathroom)
Mr. Mangini in his room.
This is a view of the living room, with eric on the chair. We decorated a bit for xmas.. the tree is going on the left of the tv.
Mike and my bathroom.. we have marble floors, and a glass door for the shower.
This is the hallway looking away from the kitchen towards the living room. the front door is on the far right.
Thought i'd post up some pics of our apartment. Its not in ideal cleanliness but good enough. This pic is the kitchen.
I'm a 24 year old law student at the University of San Diego School of Law. I'm into international issues, traveling the world, adventuring, and i've recently started taking photos