Sunday, December 04, 2005

All done! Posted by Picasa

Eric's arm Posted by Picasa

Eric and I and our tree. Posted by Picasa

The roommates showing our christmas cheer... where's the eggnog! Posted by Picasa

Eric proudly placing some finishing touches Posted by Picasa

Same photo Posted by Picasa

The tree, a little blurry. Posted by Picasa

Me, eyes closed Posted by Picasa

Mike and Eric getting in the holiday spirit... this photo was staged. Posted by Picasa

Mike in front of the tree, we have a blue and white theme on.. Michele thinks it looks like a Jewish tree. Posted by Picasa

The tree in the living room... pre-decoration Posted by Picasa

Eric and Mike haulin our nice tree in... Posted by Picasa

A snowy day in Cambridge... looking down the street towards Harvard Sq. Posted by Picasa

Snowy House Posted by Picasa

The sign at Radcliffe across the street. Posted by Picasa

Our Building. Posted by Picasa

Snowing in Cambridge: Thats the library at Radcliffe college, looking across the street from my apt. Posted by Picasa

The mailbox in front of my house this morning. Posted by Picasa